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Genpower Australia currently supplies back up power solutions for a range of supermarket chains and retail outlets. Backed with our comprehensive servicing options, Genpower Australia assists in ensuring valuable assets and operations are safe and sound.

Case Studies

  • Successful Commissioning of First Gas Genset by Genpower Australia!

    Friday, April 29, 2022
    While diesel generator is Genpower Australia's key specialty, we never stop learning and trying new things. We are excited about the opportunity and successful commissioning of our first gas generator!
  • One Lucky Genset!

    Monday, October 17, 2011
    Genpower Australia were approached by Sanbis resort in the Solomon islands for a small and extremely quiet genset for a Villa being built on the resort complex.
    This 500 kilo unit had to be landed on the beach and literally lifted onto its platform some metres away. These "CAE" units are designed to be taken apart and put back together with some ease. Luckily they were able to lift the genset in it's entirety with the help of some muscle!
    The genset can be started and stopped via a remote switch situated next to the main bed from inside the villa.
    we think you'll agree that this could well be the luckiest genset to have ever left Genpower Australia!
  • Genpower Light Towers

    Monday, October 17, 2011
    Are you aware that Genpower Australia now sell Light Towers??
    Please contact us to ask about our extensive range of Urban and MineSpec light towers.

Distribution Switchboards

Genpower Australia can build standard and customised distribution boards for all your industrial...…more »

Generator Sales

Genpower Australia offers diesel generating sets that incorporate genuine, well known engine...…more »

Automatic Switches

Genpower Australia can supply automatic transfer switches for standby & alternative power...…more »